Saturday, December 27, 2014

Morning after Christmas

'Twas the morning after Christmas. I was on my way to work, on a taxi. The sun was rising on my left. And so was traffic, all around me.
I find this morning to be, just the same as any other previous ones.
I wonder,
Where did Christmas magic disappear. Or, when will it re-appear, besides every Christmas year.
John Mayer plays on my headphones. Ain't he a happy lad. His music's magic emerges, every time I hit play. Now that's a real magic.
And a sudden jolt of the Taxi's brake, shakes me out of the magic realm. I look out the taxi window. Slowly, we have made it through half the destination. This Bangkok cab, reads one-sixty-one on meter tab.
It's been an hour ride since we began. And I'm already tired before, actually working. So, I raise my colored power glass, and rest it on my forehead.
I feel warmth on my face, from the sun rays. I feel more cozy and settle on my seat even more.
I think I will try to take a nap...zzz.... I take a deep yawn... and...and.....zzzzzzzz... (music plays)

With a fresh nap, The time now is 8:13 A.M., the date; would it suffice to say the year is 2014?

(More sighs)... and I cannot take this tiring feeling no more.
In this Bangkok city. Buildings are big, more are being built. Roads are better and bigger. But so is the number of cars sold every year. And now this road is not enough for us all.
Too bad the roads don't expand, like our needs do.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

How to spot a wise person?

On this article, I would like to share my thinking on:

How to spot a wise person?

The story goes like this-Everything a person has in his  life, he may not value it, and also may not understand its worth.

On the other hand, there are always the other types of people, who do not have what they want but understands the value of the materials they do not possess, yet. Plus, they wish that if they had it, they would give more value to the materials they do not have, and have only seen it being undervalued by people who have it.

So, how do we spot a wise person is from the characteristics they possess.

Wise are those champions who had desires of a certain need or a want, who either have possessed it through inheritance or will have earned it already in their lifetime, while knowing the full value of important things/materials/people they have with them. Such are the characteristics of a wise person.
This brings up a question, can only rich people become wise and not the poor or the average, since the poor and average people’s desires mostly don’t get fulfilled of materials or things they desire for.
The answer is simple. Wise people are of different kinds too.

For example, people who acquires a lot of money/wealth, big houses, fancy cars through business; they are known as business wise.
The ones who seek to understand human nature and life, purpose of existence, those who have found the answer and attained peace within themselves; they are known as spiritual wise.


So, if you ever wanted to be a top business tycoon; then go seek advice from a business wise.
And if you wanted to learn about attaining peaceful pleasures of life; then seek advice from a spiritual wise.

If anyone of you mistakenly went to the wrong person for advice, you may end up receiving- yet wise but wrong wise words, and to do so would not be so wise from anyone.
So, keep your eyes and mind open, keep your listening ears clear and sharp, you never know where you might spot a wise person. But there is one thing for sure, “To spot a wise one, one must be wise…”

Finally, a wise person; you will find them sharing wise advice/stories/experience.  Exhibit A---